The Spirit of Herbs: July 5th - 10th 2025
The Spirit of Herbs is a six day intensive workshop/retreat that focuses on an energetic and intuitive approach to working with healing plants that will help you to expand and deepen your connection to plants and Living World. The ability to connect and communicate with the many beings with whom we share the Earth—including plants—has long been considered one of the most important attributes of traditional healers. Through a variety of meditation and attunement exercises, you will experience a greater awareness of and connection with all aspects of the natural world and develop your ability to communicate with the plant people. This workshop provides the theoretical background and guidelines to help you integrate this knowledge and experience into your daily life. The Spirit of Herbs will help you on your own personal healing journey and to live in deeper relationship with yourself and the world. Whether you are called to work with plant medicines on a professional or purely personal level, you will find this workshop to be a life-changing and healing experience.
Prerequisite: None.
Required textbooks: None.
Scheduling: The next offering of this workshop will be Saturday July 5th to Thursday July 10th 2025.
Location: The Seed Lodge (formerly Maple Sweet), Rocklyn, Ontario.
The fee for the workshop includes the cost of meals and accommodations. The meals are mostly vegetarian and organic as much as possible. Indoor accommodations consist of shared rooms that sleep two persons. Occasionally single rooms are available. Tenting is also an option.
Tuition: $1,100.
All inquiries regarding the SOH workshop must be made to Michael Vertolli.
Instructor: Michael Vertolli.